QLG emphasizes the use of information technology in the practice of law. We strive to manage the flow of information from research to attorney to client as quickly and efficiently as possible. To enable us to do so, we use advanced equipment, from servers to personal computers and laptops to wireless hand-held devices, all connected via a networking system to ensure that our professionals have access to the latest information, from practically anywhere in the world. This system ensures that messaging between us and our clients, whether by e-mail, voice mail or fax and Internet accessibility, are optimized. All of these communication methods can be secured to assure privacy and confidentiality. QLG’s practice support enables our professionals to manage document-intensive cases and deposition transcripts more effectively. A variety of services are offered, including the creation of electronic filings and the profiling of documents into databases. After documents are imaged and profiled, subsequent searches for specific information are greatly simplified and expedited, resulting in a lower charge to the client for paralegal and attorney time. Imaging technology can also include OCR conversion, which allows for full text searching of documents. The use of imaging technology provides many benefits to our attorneys and clients, including:
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